HeeVee software - contouring HV

Give meaning to your H/Vs: Contour them with HeeVee!

Acquiring microtremor data is standard practice today and often many different recordings relating to the same area are available. Seismic microtremor can provide a lot of information about the geometries and mechanical properties of soils.

HeeVee is MoHo’s software that brings order to your microtremor acquisitions and allows you to map seismic reflectors in the subsoil.

HeeVee will in the future include the contouring of penetration tests (CPT, CPTu, SPT, etc.), also in combination with H/Vs.


HeeVee comes with an introductory video course on how to use it. or a free trial of the software. Contact us for a free trial of the software.

contouring HV with Moho HeeVee software
  • HeeVee software
  • HeeVee software
  • HeeVee software
  • HeeVee software
  • HeeVee software
  • HeeVee software
  • HeeVee software
  • HeeVee software

What is it?

HeeVee is the software that brings order to your microtremor acquisitions: H/V in 1D cases; H and V in 2D cases.

HeeVee localizes the acquisitions, transforms them from the frequency domain to the depth domain using optimized functions on the available data, and creates contours between spatially distributed data, thus allowing you to map seismic reflectors in depth. HeeVee also offers different solutions to improve the visibility of reflectors.

With HeeVee it is possible to interpolate and contour seismic wave velocity profiles (in the future also penetration tests, CPT, CPTu, SPT) and any other type of input compatible with the required format.

What is it meant for?

HeeVee works on data from H/V spectral ratios or single microtremor spectra acquired with Tromino® and processed with Grilla to ensure proper statistical treatment. HeeVee  can also process data from other seismometers and H/V or spectra obtained with other software.

Transforming the data from the frequency domain to the depth domain requires one or more estimates of the Vs profile. HeeVee will optimize the conversion function based on the available data.

HeeVee performs a graphic interpolation between the different data acquired in the space, which results in a map where the trend of the seismic reflectors can be read, with several different options to improve the visual continuity of the reflectors themselves.

When H/V curves are not enough to trace seismic reflectors, because you are dealing with proper body wave resonances (2D case), HeeVee implements the procedures described in Resonance versus Shape of Sedimentary Basins | Bulletin of the Seismological Society of America | GeoScienceWorld to determine, from longitudinal and transverse modes of vibration, the maximum reflector depths and equivalent velocities of the cover layers.

HeeVee brings order to your H/Vs!


Click here to learn more about the differences between seismic techniques for subsoil imaging!